
DoorWay Boutique warranty policy helps you stay covered in case of defects in material after purchase of the product. DoorWay Boutique provides warranty on some products to ensure the highest quality of service. On selected products, a thirty (30) days warranty will be provided for the eligible items purchased for all the buyers within UAE.

The address provided during the warranty claim request will be registered as the pickup and delivery address for the claimed item. This cannot be modified. The original invoice/ order number is required to verify the item and validate the warranty period to benefit from warranty services.

Repair or replacement under the terms of this warranty does not provide right to extension or renewal of the warranty period. If your item can't be repaired, we will issue a replacement or, if a replacement isn't available, you will be refunded in full.

To avail of warranty services if a defect occurs in your product within the valid warranty period, you can contact us and raise the request. DoorWay Boutique warranty team shall contact you within 24 hours for claim validation and troubleshooting followed by pictures of the product from all angles.

The customer shall ensure that the item is packed in its original box or wrapped safely to avoid any damage during transit. If the packaging is not done safely which leads to damage, DoorWay Boutique will not be responsible for the same and the claimed item will be returned to the customer without servicing.

The warranty shall only apply to products purchased within the United Arab Emirates (the "Territory"). Replacement and repaired products or parts will only be shipped to addresses within the Territory, and refunds shall only be credited to accounts located within the Territory.

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